Notice of Pannon Philharmonic
About our events, the orchestra, the musicians, season tickets and more in the present situation
About Our Events
Counteracting the spread of the coronavirus is our shared responsibility, therefore concerts of the Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra are cancelled until 15 April and the Ticket Office of the Kodály Centre is temporarily closed. Our audience can reach our colleagues on 72 500 300 and via e-mail at even during the state of emergency.
What is the orchestra doing at the moment?
The working environment of a symphony orchestra is rather unique. Musicians sit in a large group only half a metre apart from one another wind instrument players blowing air towards the string section which poses a huge risk of spreading the virus.
Concerts could be temporarily streamed online but the Kodály Centre is not technically prepared for online streaming and at present we cannot afford the necessary extra resources to provide this service. Apart from reducing costs, the collective nature of work in a symphony orchestra poses a significant risk where one individual’s illness can immediately increase the risk of infecting the entire community. The musicians are at home at the moment. They have been given scores to be processed by the end of April and they are working remotely rehearsing and preparing for the concerts individually while occasionally contacting their section leaders and colleagues online for guidelines.
How do we keep in touch with the musicians?
We are able to contact all our musicians via the orchestra’s intranet system. Our employees are not allowed to travel abroad and they are asked to inform the management about illness in their families. Section rooms in Kodály Centre can be used and we provided online booking opportunities and the possibility to work separately and individually. We also provided information on safe hygienic practices and instructions on effective hand-washing techniques and what to do in case of infection.
The orchestra contacted their retired and permanent members who belong to the most vulnerable age group.
What happens to extending and purchasing season tickets?
During the state of emergency season tickets for the Müpa series can be extended online as usual
via bank transfer and new season tickets can be purchased on
For details on Silver Flash Müpa series click on Details.
We will inform our season ticket holders about how to extend season tickets for the Pécs series via
What happens to my purchased ticket?
The management is currently trying to find ways to stage all cancelled concerts at a later date. Previously purchased tickets will be valid for the concerts organised at a later date. We will send detailed information via the contact details provided at the time of purchase. If you haven’t provided any contact details, please email them to .
How do we keep in touch with the audience?
The management team will contact our season ticket holders by telephone.
For details on current news, or to view previous concert videos, please visit the following websites:
- the orchestra’s website:
- Facebook page of the orchestra:
- the orchestra’s YouTube channel:
A Kodály Központ Jegypénztára
7622 Pécs,
Breuer Marcell sétány 4.
+36 72 500 300
H–Cs: 10.00–18.00
P: 10.00–18.00
Szo–V: zárva, nyitás csak rendezvény esetén annak kezdete előtt másfél órával
A Pannon Filharmonikusok székháza és próbaterme
7622 Pécs,Breuer Marcell sétány 4.
Potyondi Linda
értékesítési menedzser
+36 30 866 2310
Szabó Csilla
kommunikációs menedzser
+36 30 222 7992