Prominent Membership – IAMA
Pannon Philharmonic has officially become an associate member of the International Artist Manager's Association (IAMA), that is, the association of international art managers.
In recent years, Pannon Philharmonic has gradually strengthened the international position of the orchestra. To become a member of the prominent music network is a major step forward, which the orchestra has achieved with its planned* and persistent work over the last fifteen years.
"There has been a change of position: there is no Hungarian symphonic music life without Pannon Philharmonic anymore. We made a great tour of the most prestigious concert halls in Western Europe Almost every year, thus the Orchestra has made a name to itself everywhere", added Zsolt Horváth, director of Pannon Philharmonic.
As a resident orchestra of Kodály Centre, Pécs, Pannon Philharmonic has become part of the international circulation of musical life: in addition to European tours, the orchestra is a regular performer at the prestigious domestic and international festivals. The newly earned membership of IAMA is a clear evidence of the fact that the orchestra has a place in the cross-border market of classical music.
A Kodály Központ Jegypénztára
7622 Pécs,
Breuer Marcell sétány 4.
+36 72 500 300
H–Cs: 10.00–18.00
P: 10.00–18.00
Szo–V: zárva, nyitás csak rendezvény esetén annak kezdete előtt másfél órával
A Pannon Filharmonikusok székháza és próbaterme
7622 Pécs,Breuer Marcell sétány 4.
Potyondi Linda
értékesítési menedzser
+36 30 866 2310
Szabó Csilla
kommunikációs menedzser
+36 30 222 7992