The first music stand-up comedy is arriving to Pécs! Ádám Bősze had already given some tasting of his witty ideas to the audiences at the New Year's Concert, moving the audience's diaphragms. At his first humour evening in Pécs, classical music is getting under scrutiny, again.
Ádám Bősze, the host of the Pannon Philharmonic’s New Year’s Concerts, is always able to make the audience laugh, with his humour cookies. It won’t be otherwise at his first solo night in Pécs, titled #theaudienceloveme (#szeretnekahallgatók), where of course, he puts the classical music under the microscope – a little bit differently. After the appetizers, which he offered them, now, the audience can enjoy the punch lines from lives of classical music characters, carefully selected comments sent to radio shows and witty anecdotes about composers and musicians.
The show, which debut in Budapest was sold out, will be performed in Pécs at the Kodály Centre’s Zoltán Kocsis Hall on 9 March at 6.00pm.
Tickets are available in limited quantities! Online Shopping HERE.
A Kodály Központ Jegypénztára
7622 Pécs,
Breuer Marcell sétány 4.
+36 72 500 300
H–Cs: 10.00–18.00
P: 10.00–18.00
Szo–V: zárva, nyitás csak rendezvény esetén annak kezdete előtt másfél órával
A Pannon Filharmonikusok székháza és próbaterme
7622 Pécs,Breuer Marcell sétány 4.