They Are The Favourite Musicians of 2016!
The audience decided! As in every year, also in this one, it was revealed at the New Year’s Gala, whom had the concert-goer music lovers voted for the favourite female and male musicians of 2016
Beside the biggest winners, the ensemble celebrated the favourite musicians, as well, on 2 January 2017. As in every year, also in this one, the audience could vote for their favourite female and male musicians of 2016 of the Pannon Philharmonic.
Based on the votes presented in December, cellist Janzsó Ildikó and hornist Árpád Pétersz can hold the honouring titles for an entire year.
The elected musicians have got some precious presents, too. The Favourite Female Musician has got a special jewel donated by the DORO Jewellery; The Favourite Male Musician has won a “two-night for two” weekend, which could be spent in any hotel of the Danubius Hotels Group in Hungary.
The Mecsekerdő Ltd. donated a valuable gift basket to be drawn for one of the email voters. Congratulation to Tünde Kecskésné Horváth!
A Kodály Központ Jegypénztára
7622 Pécs,
Breuer Marcell sétány 4.
+36 72 500 300
H–Cs: 10.00–18.00
P: 10.00–18.00
Szo–V: zárva, nyitás csak rendezvény esetén annak kezdete előtt másfél órával
A Pannon Filharmonikusok székháza és próbaterme
7622 Pécs,Breuer Marcell sétány 4.