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Musings and Ravings

Claude Debussy: Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun (Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune)
Alban Berg: Seven Early Songs (Sieben frühe Lieder)
Hector Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique, op.14

N.N. – song

Conducted by: Gergely Kesselyák

Season ticket prices: Full price in HUF: High category: 34.900 Ft, Category I: 30.900, Category II: 25.900, Category III: 18.900 HUF / Renewal price: 33.900, 29.900, 24.900, 17.900 HUF / With every subscription ticket for adults, maximum 2 free subscription tickets are available for children (between 8-18 years)
Season ticket purchase

Brooding, joy of life, romance, tragic love and autobiographical music. Between the two famous French works, we learn something new about Alban Berg: at that time, he was a young, romantic composer.

Debussy's music radiates a tumultuous enjoyment of life, and through his character representation, we are personally admitted to the afternoon of a faun dreaming of nymphs and playing on his panpipe. Berg's early songs were conceived in the emotional world of late Romanticism. Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique bears the subtitle "Episode in the Life of an Artist" for a good reason: He presented his private life and dreams. We are inviting you on a journey of dreams!



Ticket Office of Kodály Centre

7622 Pécs,
Breuer Marcell sétány 4.

Opening hours:
Mon–Thu: 10.00–6.00 pm
Fri: 10.00–6.00 pm
Sa–Su: only on performance days, open from 90 minutes before the performance start time


The Headquarters and Rehearsal Room of the Pannon Philharmonic

7622 Pécs,
Breuer Marcell sétány 4.


Public relations

Ms. Linda Potyondi
sales representative
+36 30 866 2310


Press relations

Ms. Csilla Szabó
communications manager
+36 30 222 7992