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Fabula Foletta

Maurice Ravel: Alborada del Gracioso
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Piano Concerto in A major (K.488)
Alfredo Casella: La donna serpente – Suite No. 1
Manuel de Falla: The Three-Cornered Hat – Orchestral Suites No. 1 and 2

Fabian Müller – piano

Conducted by: Roberto Forés Veses

Season ticket prices: Full price in HUF: High category: 34.900 Ft, Category I: 30.900, Category II: 25.900, Category III: 18.900 HUF / Renewal price: 33.900, 29.900, 24.900, 17.900 HUF / With every subscription ticket for adults, maximum 2 free subscription tickets are available for children (between 8-18 years)
Season ticket purchase

Mediterranean festivities, Italian and Spanish fairy tales, ballet music, farces, opera dramas and scenes. The programme of Fabula foletta features all of these.

Some dancing clowns appear in Ravel's composition Alborada del grazioso. Mozart's Piano Concerto in A major does not have a pre-set programme, but while listening to the work, we can still associate it with an emotional story with a positive ending. Casella's piece was originally a fairy-tale opera, and de Falla took one of his own ballets as the basis for his suites. All the compositions featured in the programme fit into the same tradition, but at the same time, they playfully, sometimes somewhat grotesquely, reflect their own era and show how humorous and serious content coexist in fables.



Ticket Office of Kodály Centre

7622 Pécs,
Breuer Marcell sétány 4.

Opening hours:
Mon–Thu: 10.00–6.00 pm
Fri: 10.00–6.00 pm
Sa–Su: only on performance days, open from 90 minutes before the performance start time


The Headquarters and Rehearsal Room of the Pannon Philharmonic

7622 Pécs,
Breuer Marcell sétány 4.


Public relations

Ms. Linda Potyondi
sales representative
+36 30 866 2310


Press relations

Ms. Csilla Szabó
communications manager
+36 30 222 7992