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Protestant Mess

Johann Sebastian Bach: Messe in h-Moll, Mass in B minor BWV 232 (h-Moll-Messe)

Budafok Dohnányi Orchestra

Eszter Zemlényi – soprano
Kornélia Bakos – contralto
Balázs Orosz – tenor
Krisztián Cser – bass
Budapest Academic Choral Society (Choir Master: Ildikó Balassa)

Conducted by: Hollerung Gábor

Ticket prices: 7490, 5490, 3490 HUF
Ticket purchase

"One of the most significant works in music history that Johann Sebastian Bach, in fact, never meant to write. Oddly, this Protestant composer should have written a single mass in Latin, so most probably, he did it on commission. Bach had no operas, but a certain theatrical structure is present in his oratorical works, as in this Latin-language mass too. In this composition, we can encounter the main milestones of human destiny: both the most destructive and uplifting moments of life, in which the master created an incredibly dramatic span.” (Gábor Hollerung )




Ticket Office of Kodály Centre

7622 Pécs,
Breuer Marcell sétány 4.

Opening hours:
Mon–Thu: 10.00–6.00 pm
Fri: 10.00–6.00 pm
Sa–Su: only on performance days, open from 90 minutes before the performance start time


The Headquarters and Rehearsal Room of the Pannon Philharmonic

7622 Pécs,
Breuer Marcell sétány 4.


Public relations

Ms. Linda Potyondi
sales representative
+36 30 866 2310


Press relations

Ms. Csilla Szabó
communications manager
+36 30 222 7992