Ágnes Vass – violin
The Beanbag concerts are cosy, intimate, vibrant and magically lovely events in the Kodály Centre. The jumpy-playful part is led by the music therapist, Zsuzsanna Hrubi. Not even absent sick or whiny toddlers need to miss out on the activities, as they are streamed online. Siblings are especially welcome to attend the Beanbag concerts on Saturday, which take place simultaneously with our Snail's Shell sessions for kindergarten kids. This way, children of various ages can come and enjoy music at their own levels.

Should you not able to make it to the concert, either because you don’t live in Pécs or your young ones are sick, you can still join our weekly Beanbag sessions online, listening and playing along with it.
The Pannon Philharmonic encourages parents and children to come and listen to live concerts. At the same time, they also do their best to provide valuable and high-quality online content. For the youngest, there has been created a tone-recognition game www.babzsak.pfz.hu well-suited for entertaining them during tedious waiting periods on rainy or cold winter days. The instrumental melodies used in the game are played by the musicians of the Pannon Philharmonic.