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Sergei Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 2
Anton Bruckner: Symphony No. 9

Tom Borrow – piano

Conducted by: Gergely Kesselyák

How much can you escalate passion and delay fulfilment? You will see at the concert... (Bruckner: Symphony No. 9)
Ticket prices: 7490/ 5490/4490 HUF
Season ticket prices: Full price in HUF: Price category I: 35 900, Price category II: 29 900, Price category III: 22 900 HUF » For students and senior citizens: Price category I: 29 900, Price category II: 24 900, Price category III: 18 900 HUF » Between 6 and 18 years: free of charge
Ticket purchase Season ticket purchase

Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto No. 2 is the composer's most demanding work in this genre. Both technically and mentally, it represents a significant challenge for the soloist.

Since Beethoven's time, every composer has done their very best when it comes to their symphonies No. 9. Bruckner, who worked with meticulousness and significant consideration, tried to create something extraordinary in his Symphony No. 9. If we asked the two masters themselves, which piano concerto and which symphony they would recommend, it is most likely they would also pick these.



Ticket Office of Kodály Centre

7622 Pécs,
Breuer Marcell sétány 4.

Opening hours:
Mon–Thu: 10.00–6.00 pm
Fri: 10.00–6.00 pm
Sa–Su: only on performance days, open from 90 minutes before the performance start time


The Headquarters and Rehearsal Room of the Pannon Philharmonic

7622 Pécs,
Breuer Marcell sétány 4.


Public relations

Ms. Linda Potyondi
sales representative
+36 30 866 2310


Press relations

Ms. Csilla Szabó
communications manager
+36 30 222 7992