Clara Dent-Bogányi – oboe
Belly Tunes for your yet unborn babies and for mums
True to the teachings of the great Hungarian music educator and the eponym of PFZ’s home building, Zoltán Kodály, the orchestra pays attention to babies already in their mums’ wombs. In their new series specially created for them, the ensemble awaits mums-to-be. The purpose of the programme is to help young mothers focus inside themselves and their yet unborn babies, to express their inner rhythm and inspirations evoked by music in words, movement accompanied by rhythm instruments, nursery rhymes, songs, speech, movement and visual arts. The series is led by the music educator, Zsuzsanna Hrubi. All sessions set off by listening to the orchestra’s dress rehearsal in the concert hall of the Kodály Centre, and then they continue in a more intimate space.
What will happen to you, your heart and the baby you carry if you come along on this adventure? We sincerely hope that each moment of it will give a heart-warming feeling.
We invite you to come along on a thrillingly creative journey, which may place the decisive nine months of your life into a new perspective. Our Belly Tunes Series – focussing on the fundamental experience of cradling and the heartbeat as fundamental musical rhythm – will help future mums consciously spend and self-develop me-time while enabling them to tune into the life-long miracle of motherhood.
We welcome mums with their babies in their bellies onto an “inner walk”, where following a live music experience, they can process the music with the help of a music therapist and connect it with the highly emotional state of pregnancy. We provide a space of security and support for the immersion into the complex feelings of expectancy, insecurity, happiness and completeness while strengthening the bond and interaction between babies and mums. Music gives the inspiration for all this, but afterwards, you can enter the processing stage with various art forms, such as visual arts, rhythm games, singing, improvisation, and verbal and non-verbal techniques. No musical training is necessary.
Who will be your guide on the journey?
“Music in my soul, from my soul, with my soul – this is how we are together” (Zsuzsanna Hrubi)
I have been working as a special education teacher and music therapist for 35 years. Within special needs education, I work primarily with children who need help with their learning and other difficulties and whose parents need support and guidance. I do believe that each of us has a path of their own, which is sometimes taken with the help of others. I experience more and more that developing our spirits and healing our souls are crucial and necessary above all else in this world. The potentials provided by music are infinite not only in self-development but also in establishing contacts, trust, emotional help and experiencing feelings. We create a beautiful chain of pearls in each session while keeping these ideas in mind, which help us see our pearls shiny.