According to the policy of the Kodály Centre, for safety reasons, no person under the age of 10, or shorter than 130 cm may be seated on the balcony.
Zoltán Kodály: Háry János – Premiere
Zsolt Haja
– János Háry
Megyesi Schwartz Lúcia
– Örzse
Váradi Marianna
– Empress of Austria
Vermes Tímea
– Marie-Louise
Bognár Szabolcs
– Old Uncle Marci
Lóránt Matta puppet artist
– János Háry
Máté Arató puppet artist
– Young János Háry, French Soldier
Eszter Mag puppet artist
– Young Örzse
Ilona Illés puppet artist
– Old Örzse
Kinga Várnagy puppet artist
– Marie Louise
Melinda Papp puppet artist
– Maria Theresa
Dániel Czéh puppet artist
– Baron Ebelasztin, Napoleon, Francis the Emperor
Pannon Philharmonic Festival Choir (choirmasters: András Vass and László Dobos)
Pannon Children's Choir (choirmaster: Tamás Schróber)
Béla Paulini, Zsolt Harsányi
– script
Attila Szabó
– adaptation for puppet theatre
Ákos Mátravölgyi (Blattner Géza-Prize-winner)
– puppet and set designer
Anna Bódiné Kövecses, Hajnalka Fekete, Éva Szijártó, Géza Nagy Kovács
– puppet makers - set dressers
Szilvia Aranyosi
– Assistant Director
András Vass
– music director
Dániel Halasi
– director

permanent conductor

Blattner Géza-Prize-winner puppet et set designer





puppet artist

puppet artist

puppet artist

puppet artist

puppet artist

puppet artist

puppet artist