Queen of Heaven, Rejoice!
Georg Lickl: Motetto de SS. Trinitate
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Great Mass in C minor K. 427 (417a)
As it celebrated Christmas with Bach, the Pannon Philharmonic celebrates Easter with Mozart and its founder, Georg Lickl. The young Mozart dedicated several motets and cantatas to the text of the feast-days honouring the Virgin Mary; thus, we find several antiphons and litanies in the Virgin Mary's honour in his output. These types of compositions were not characteristic of his later oeuvre and can be only rarely heard. The audience can relish the Antiphon to the Blessed Virgin Mary: “Queen of Heaven, rejoice!” The greeting and prayer composed into a cantata glow in a nearly Baroque light in this piece. It will be followed by Georg Lickl’s even more rarely heard Motetto de SS. Trinitate (Holy Trinity motet), which will be especially relevant and intimate interpreted by the Pécs-based ensemble. Finally, our Easter concert will end with a famous Mozart composition: his Mass in C minor, which the master originally composed for his own wedding, but he couldn’t complete it either for this auspicious event or later, as if in the shadow of Bach’s Mass in B minor, Mozart had set himself too great a challenge. Even though he tried to make use of all his talents and skills during the composition process, his light-handed composition genius was tied by these exaggerated expectations towards himself. Nonetheless, the completed movements are spotless masterpieces.
Spring winds flood music: Mozart's uplifting melodies. Their pleasant balminess opens up our souls deeply hidden within us to escape from the cold and blow out heavy thoughts. With the help of the musical remedies of world-famous composers, the Pannon Philharmonic will play resurrection and the hopeful revival of spring at their Easter concert. At the end of our physical and spiritual Lent, in a crisis caused by the pandemic and the war, this is what we may need the most.
7622 Pécs,
Breuer Marcell sétány 4.
Opening hours:
Mon–Thu: 10.00–6.00 pm
Fri: 10.00–6.00 pm
Sa–Su: only on performance days, open from 90 minutes before the performance start time
7622 Pécs,
Breuer Marcell sétány 4.